Kids & Teens Class: Bronze, Silver, Golf

The golfing fun continues! Do you already have the Ger- man Golf Association (DGV) bronze badge, but would like to go one step further? Then, this class is made for you, because together with our pros you can train yourself to go one step higher on the winner's podium: That silver badge is already waiting for you!
Requirements: 8 to 15 years, DGV bronze badge
Services included: 5 days golf training (Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm) in a small group with an Assistant Professional with a C-trainer's licence (min. 4, max. 6 participants) incl. dedicated supervision and lunch.
5 x 360 min. training incl. lunch break, range fee and green fee for the Chervò Junior Golf Course, unlimited practice balls during lessons, rental clubs, 5 x lunch with the pro, final tournament incl. prizes, certificate, class photo, DGV silver badge attempt, complimentary supervision until 4 p.m. can be arranged on request (no golf tuition)
Reduced price for club members: €325
14 to 18 April | 21 to 25 April | 28 April to 02 May
09 to 13 June | 16 to 20 June
28 July to 01 August | 04 to 08 August | 11 to 15 August | 18 to 22 August | 25 to 29 August 2025
Further dates on request!